The World Is Abundant – Success Is The Result of Cooperation Between Stakeholders


Last week we discussed how farmers could increase their profits by hundreds and even thousands of percentages in just 1 or 2 years, and keep the economic growth for many years.

Often due to the daily influence of innovations (cell phone with internet and broad communication), we tend to view ‘technology’ as THE ultimate solution to ALL our problems.

Sometimes we do expect that in itself, it will solve the problems and sometimes when it doesn’t happen we tend to become despaired and give up before searching for more basic ways to succeed.


The Go / No Go Zone

Even after we have a nearly miraculous pest control solution – the FreeDome by Biofeed – the path to success of Africa’s agriculture is not a “broad and wide open” highway.

Why is it so?

Well, of course, effective pest control is a basic and necessary condition for fruit production at an export quality. In the case of fresh fruits export, this stage is a – Go / No Go.

We get the Go for Export only when we have a highly effective fruit fly control.

With Biofeed FreeDome, you do achieve that level of control and get the Go you need so much.

Once fruit flies are no longer a barrier, what then?

Then it is time to realize the economic potential of fruit growing.


Analyzing Fruit Production and Export

We already discussed (last week post; Scenarios 3 and 4), and it is clear, that to maximize the potential income we need to raise;
(a) the price per kilogram, and
(b) the yield per hectare


Through the development of export, the revenue per kilogram is increased.

Through the introduction and implementation of advanced agricultural knowledge, technology and culture, the yield per hectare and quality are increased.

The three abilities that are required to increase income; (a) through better markets, (b) more yield, and (c) better quality, are directly connected to the ability to sustain export.


National Export Infrastructure, which includes legislation, regulation, and Governmental support to farmers, is the first stage in enabling export.

The Government is the main “stakeholder” in developing the National Export Infrastructure while cooperating, supporting and supported by the private sector.


A very different process – measured by the degree of cooperation – is needed to increase the yield and quality per hectare. It is a long, continuous, intensive, never-ending process, between many stakeholders.

These are the main stakeholders:

* Farmers

* Agricultural organizations and entities

* Private sector players

* Investors

* Research and academic institutions

* Government agencies

* Experts / consultants

* Service providers – local and international


All stakeholders are important, and all are required, continuously. To fulfill and execute mutual interests, there is a need for mutual respect, trust, and active cooperation for a common cause.


A Successful Example

I suggest we take an example from those who succeeded in pulling off that huge task; the Israelis.

When Israel decided to encourage agriculture, it focused on encouraging export. Then, the State of Israel established the required infrastructure.

The backbone of that infrastructure was Agrexco Ltd. Agrexco company was put in charge of most of Israel’s fresh produce exports, including marketing and branding. The rest is history.

At the same time, Israel invested a lot into building very tight relationships between critical stakeholders, including; farmers, the extension services, plant protection services, R&D centers, farmers’ organizations, agriculture academia institutions, etc.

Israel made sure to strengthen those critical elements and to see that they work well together.

Continuous Success Is The Result of A Team Work

Let us remember, there is a need for “two for tango”, but to gain agricultural success there is a need to ‘dance’ with the whole village – it is a team game to win.

You can ‘dance’ with the whole village when you share a common vision and a joint mission that will be promoted together, whole-heartedly.

Together We Rise Divided We Fall


Green Valley National Export Project is a ‘full agricultural package’ taking into consideration all the elements that a National Agricultural Export Project should contain, including the above.

You are welcome to apply by contacting Mr. Dotan Peleg, Biofeed Head of Business (