The Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment prepares the Agrishow 2019


The 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action – Agrishow 2019, Brazil’s largest agricultural technology fair and one of the three largest in the world, will be held from April 29th to May 03rd, in Ribeirão Preto – São Paulo. It is an event recognized as a scenario for launching the main trends and innovations for the agribusiness, in which solutions are presented for all kinds of cultures and properties. In 25 years, it has become a reference for the sector in the whole world. In its last edition, in 2018, it brought together more than 800 exhibitor brands, received 160 thousand qualified visitors from more than 80 countries and summed R$ 2.7 billion in business initiated during the event.

The Agrishow is an initiative that brings together relevant Brazilian entities: together with the Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ) are the Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG), the National Association for Diffusion of Fertilizers (ANDA), the Agriculture and Cattle Breeding Federation of the State of São Paulo (FAESP) and the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB).

The 2019 edition of the Agrishow shall count with an area of 520,000 m2, bringing what is newest in agricultural technology and integrating the exhibition areas of agricultural machinery, equipment and implements and of field demonstrations. With this, various spaces shall be added for companies from the segments of seeds, defensives and fertilizers, which can carry out experiments with various cultures.

International Round of Business

During the Agrishow 2019, it will take place the 20th International Business Meetings, which will bring together Brazilian manufacturers of machinery, agricultural implements and irrigation equipment, with foreign buyers (importers, distributors and representatives), coming to Brazil especially for this purpose. This is a commercial promotion action organized by the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program, a result of the partnership between the Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Export and Investments (Apex-Brasil) and the Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ).

Named the Buyer Project, this International Round of Business has the main purpose of potentializing the contact and negotiations between Brazilian manufacturers and importers from the most diverse countries. During two to three days, the BMS Program organizes dozens of meetings between the stakeholders, in which the companies from the sector present their products to foreign visitors.

In the International Round of Business carried out during the Agrishow 2018, around 60 Brazilian manufacturers with 16 foreign buyers, coming from countries such as South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran, Nigeria, Peru, Kenya, Russia and Zimbabwe, in more than 520 meetings. At the time, a volume of business in the order of US$ 24 million, between immediate and future sales for the following twelve months, was registered. Importers from various countries are already being contacted for the 2019 edition.

Image Project

The Agrishow 2019 shall also be contemplated with the Image Project, which purpose is to promote and disclose the Brazilian industry of machinery and equipment to the international market, by means of visit from journalists, opinion makers and specialists to Brazil to get to know the sector. The action is also developed by the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program and made viable by Apex-Brasil, in a partnership with the ABIMAQ. The visits are planned in conjunction with the organizers of the fairs and take into account the interests and highlights of the Brazilian products of the sector in the various markets from the invited countries.

For this edition of the Image Project, the BMS Program shall receive journalists from various countries; with a visit confirmed, we highlight the Magazine Farmers Review Africa, headquartered in Johannesburg, in South Africa. This figures as one of the target markets of the machinery and equipment sector, i.e., one of the priority countries for the commercial promotion actions defined for the BMS Program.

The African market as a whole has been receiving special attention from the sector. In 2018, the Brazilian exports of agricultural machinery and equipment to the African continent came to a total of US$ 56 million, representing a growth of 5% in relation to 2017. South Africa is the country that appears in the first place as the main buyer of these Brazilian products, with imports in the order of US$ 17.44 million, which represents a 60% growth in two years. In sequence, the main importers are: Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, Sudan, completing the ranking of the five largest destinations of the Brazilian exports directed towards the agribusiness segment of Africa.

 About Apex-Brasil – The Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Export and Investments (Apex-Brasil) acts to promote the Brazilian products and services abroad and to attract foreign investments for strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The Agency carries out diversified actions of commercial promotion, such as prospective and trade missions, business rounds, support to the participation of Brazilian companies in large international fairs, and visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to get to know the Brazilian productive framework. More information: .

About ABIMAQ – The Brazilian Machinery Builders´ Association (ABIMAQ) was founded in 1937, with the purpose of acting on behalf of strengthening the national industry, mobilizing the sector, carrying out actions next to the political and economic instances, stimulating international trade and cooperation and contributing to improve their performance in terms of technology, capacitation of human resources and managerial upgrading. More information: .

About the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program – The fruit of the partnership between the Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Export and Investments (Apex-Brasil) and the Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ), the Brazil Machinery Solutions Program seeks the promotion of the Brazilian exports of machinery and equipment, as well as to strengthen Brazil’s image as a manufacturer of mechanical capital assets with technology and competitiveness. The BMS Program has, currently, around 400 members, among industries from various sectors, such as agricultural, textile, mining, plastics, packing, among others. In 2018, the companies associated to the BMS Program registered exports to 159 countries. To become associated to the Program and for more information, access: