Small holder farmers in Ghana to get a boost from Europe

Small holder farmers in Ghana to get a boost from Europe

Small holder farmers in Ghana to receive a boost from Europe. Coldiretti, the largest agricultural association in Europe plans to expand its model of working with smallholder farmers in low-income countries include Ghana.

This came to light at a farmers’ market organised as part of activities preceding the United Nations Pre-Summit on Food Systems Summit, underway in Rome, Italy. The farmers’ market, held in the city’s historic Circo Massimo, put farmers and producers at the centre stage in Rome ahead of the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit.

The market, organized by Coldiretti, featured dozens of stalls set up in the vicinity of the UN Summit’s venue, where heads of State and delegates have started meetings to discuss ways to transform food systems to tackle hunger, poverty, climate change and inequality.

UN Food Systems Summit

The UN, led by UN Deputy Secretary-General, Ms Amina Mohammed, and other government officials, including Agnes Kalibata, the Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit, toured the market to meet with farmers before paying tribute to producers, particularly women, for their central role in food systems.

“Farmers are the lifeblood of our food systems. Understanding their needs and the challenges they face help to ensure that emerging solutions are fit for purpose,” said Ms Mohammed.

The UN Food Systems Summit was announced by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, on World Food Day in October last year, as a part of the Decade of Action for delivery on the SDGs by 2030.

The aim of the Summit is to deliver progress on all 17 of the SDGs through a food systems’ approach, leveraging the interconnectedness of food systems to global challenges. The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit is said to have set the stage for the culminating global event in New York in September.