Mzuri to showcase its latest innovation at LAMMA 2018


Mzuri, a British producer of specialist agricultural machinery, will be showcasing its latest innovation for precision seeding at LAMMA 2018. Visitors to Mzuri’s stand G41 will be able to see the new Pro-Til 3T Xzact one pass drill, aimed at crops such as maize, sunflower and soya.

Seed placement accuracy and cost savings from Pro-Til 3T Xzact one pass drill

Pro-Til 3T Xzact combines the accuracy of seed placement of a conventional precision seeder with the benefits of a Mzuri one pass striptill drill which include moisture retention, improvements to soil condition and significant fuel and time savings.

The Xzact precision technology is an optional extra that can be fitted to most Mzuri’s Pro-Til standard models, thus broadening their versatility to include precision-drilled crops. The machine can be just as easily converted back to a striptill drill.

The Xzact conversion features an electronic precision seeding unit and coulter assembly to deliver single seed placement whilst the constant hydraulic pressure exerted onto each coulter arm ensures the seeding depth accuracy.

The system uses adjustable-pressure vacuum metering to accurately space crops, regardless of the seed size. Each unit contains a metering disc and a singulator to prevent skips or doubles and is driven by an electric motor which maintains the same seeding distance at variable speeds.

Unlike with conventional precision seeders, the mini hoppers on the Pro-Til 3T Xzact drill are automatically replenished by a bulk fill mechanism on each metering unit directly from the Pro-Til’s main tank, thus extending the drilling time and reducing downtime.

For further information, please contact:

Ausra Landey

Mzuri Ltd, Springfield Farm, Peopleton, Worcestershire, WR10 2BF

Tel: +44 (0)1905 841123


About us:

  • Mzuri Ltd is a British manufacturer of high quality specialist farm equipment
  • Designed for sustainable intensive farming, the Mzuri non-inversion tillage system offers users significant financial savings, improved soil structure, better moisture retention and increased yields
  • Mzuri’s products include the Rehab subsoiler, the Pro-Til and Pro-Til Select range of strip-till drills and the Rezult straw rake