Kenya announces measures to tame increasing pests and disease

Kenya announces measures to tame increasing pests and disease

The government of Kenya has announced measures to tame increasing pests and disease. This follows increased pest threat invasion experienced in the country occasioned by increased movement of plants, plant material and articles across its borders that harbour pests in addition to the effects of climate change.

The country’s Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya said the country needs to boost overall farmer productivity and more importantly also protect and safeguard Kenya’s agriculture against external threats, including introduction of foreign pests and diseases.

“There is a real and present threat of new pests affecting basic food security and major agricultural exports. Kenya and Africa as a whole is faced with pest incursions such as the Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND), fall armyworm, False Codling Moth, desert locust, the Golden Apple snail, Papaya Mealybug, Tuta absoluta and Cuscuta which are a threat to food security as well as threatening our horticultural exports,” said Munya.

The CS reiterated that in the past few years the pests have caused great crop losses leading to various interventions by governments including diverting resources that could have been used for other development programmes.

Plant protection Act

“The presence and attack of crops by the pests have led to Kenya losing key segments of the international markets.  But largely we are also grappling with the increasing effects of the climate change,” said the CS.

The government has also fast-tracked interventions such as diverting resources that could have been used for other development programmes to address the situation. According to the CS, the current guiding statute on plant health and phytosanitary issues is the Plant protection Act, Cap 324 which was enacted in 1937, is old and has a number of limitations. This is being reviewed in order to strengthen the law to effectively deal with current and emerging plant health challenges in the country

“These regulations will not only protect Kenya’s resources, but will also create an effective framework to facilitate fair and safe competitive international trade,” said Mr. Munya.

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) Managing Director Theophilus Mutui added that the new bill aims at prevention of the introduction, establishment and spread of pests through plants, plants products.

“The process of developing the regulations began last year and has steadily followed through towards developing an all-inclusive bill and regulation that will accommodate all matters plant health in the Country,” said Mutui.

Kenya’s performance of the agriculture sector broadly reflects the socioeconomic status of the country. It contributes 24% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 60% of export earnings and a further 27% through linkages with the manufacturing, distribution and service sectors.