John Deer’s higher purpose is to feed, clothe and fuel the world


“John Deere is the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of equipment and it’s fortunate that we have a strong market presence in Africa, which we want to hold on and be an active player in running a green revolutionary so that we fulfil our higher purpose to feed, clothe and fuel the world”, said John Deere sub-Saharan Africa MD Jacques Taylor in an interview with Farmers Review Africa.

The largest equipment company unveiled the brand’s refreshed positioning for its operations spanning Sub-Saharan Africa at NAMPO 2019.

“The launch came after an 8-month brand review on how to connect with the market give inspiration and human touch to the brand as well as recognise the farmer as producer and make impactful connection” said John Deere sub-Saharan Africa MD Jacques Taylor.

John Deere’s product portfolio caters for small farmers to high end mechanised farming, smart farming.

” The new visual identity will be deployed internally as well as be the cornerstone for the company’s advertising, marketing and corporate communications “he added.

As food production must increase more than 75% over the next 30 years, most of the gains will have to be achieved by generating higher yields through smart, sustainable and efficient farming.

John Deere has increased its number of stands from three – in previous years – to five this year, totalling an unrivalled display area of 3 000m2. John Deere has invested much in acquiring two new stands, which became available opposite its current stand at Nampo.

This will be the fifty-third year in a row that John Deere will exhibit at Nampo, which is testament to the impact the event has had in the agriculture sector.

John Deere’s focus on technology has the 4240 Universal Display – a portable screen display device suited to tractor-driven field operations – which allows for satellite farming and site-specific crop management, which is traceable on the Precision Ag application.

The 4240 Universal Display is an affordable and portable way to put Precision Ag into practice and can be used in conjunction with another new offering from John Deere – the AutoTrac Universal 300 (ATU 300) steering kit. Both the ATU 300 and 4240 Universal Display are versatile enough to be used on other tractor manufacturers’ equipment.

The kit is a mobile guidance solution that enhances the productivity of farming operations throughout the growing season. The benefits of the ATU 300 over its predecessor include an improved on-track line performance, a faster line acquisition capability, improved diagnostics and easy-to-use calibration that allows for a quicker setup.

Moreover, John Deere has its More Tools option, which is an online platform on John Deere’s Operations Centre that enables the client to seamlessly share its data with other partners in its operations to help with timeous decision-making.

Additionally, the factory-fitted track system on John Deere’s S700 series of combine harvesters – which cut and thresh a variety of grain crops – is at this year’s Nampo.

“We understand that time is limited – especially given the size of Nampo of 80 000 plus attendees – but we value personal attention to our clients as this is an important event for us,” concludes Jacques Taylor