DRC: towards the creation of special agro-industrial zones in rural areas


The DRC is engaged in a process of creation of agro-industrial zones in rural areas. The project is under study and high-level discussions are underway between the National Executive and the African Development Bank (AfDB) to materialize this ambitious project across the country. Objective: to develop the value chain that creates wealth and growth .

The African average indicates that about 75% of agricultural production is rotten and is a loss due to several reasons, including the state of agricultural roads, lack of outlets for farmers, lack conservation and processing infrastructure for the creation of value added.

Project supported by ADB

While processing industries are generally located in cities, the fields are usually located in the hinterland. For AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina, who supports this initiative presented by the head of state, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi, it is time for industries to be relocated from rural areas of agricultural production.

“It’s to create special areas in rural areas. Areas will be equipped with the density of necessary infrastructures: water, electricity, irrigation, road system, telecommunication … viabilisant environments conducive. Hence, the need to invest in infrastructure. The Ministries of Finance and Agriculture will also be able to take tax incentives for agribusiness companies that are going to work there, “ said the AfDB president during his visit to Kinshasa.

This structural approach to the transformation of rural areas will have the advantages of enabling farmers to find outlets, to remove the constraint of transport to the urban areas where the products flow; create jobs, change the structure of agriculture, reduce rural exodus and eventually broaden the tax base in rural areas.

Agriculture, a priority of Fatshi

For the President of the Republic, agriculture is one of the priorities of the DRC. Because it is a sector that will solve huge problems, including that of malnutrition which is inadmissible in a country that has 80 million hectares of arable land while only less than 10% are exploited.

“We are below all. Here, the idea is to boost the sector by creating special zones. The AfDB will accompany us in the creation of special agricultural zones whose aim will be to favor the agro-industrial field. Congo, in addition to its problems of malnutrition should reach this food sufficiency. We are able to offer a lot of jobs and export agricultural products, “ reassured Felix Antoine Tshisekedi.

The first Congolese citizen remains convinced of the need and urgency to engage in the diversification of the national economy in order to avoid relying on mining.

Felix Tshisekedi and Akinwumi Adesina share the thesis that the industrialization of Africa of which the DRC is a part can not be done by copying that of China. But taking into account the realities and vocation of each country.

Based on the failed experience of Bukanga-lonzo, experts from two parties enrich this project to install several special agro-industrial zones across the country. Until then, no figure has been mentioned by the AfDB even less by the Congolese government.
